Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Short Story.

In the process of making a short story for World Lit Class

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

my green job

I am a man who works.
I am a man that has a job.
I am a man that has a green job.

Most have a green job,
But my green job is a bit different.
My green job is a different tone of green.
My tone of green is lighter.

My job produces green,
But not as much green as most jobs.
Therefore the green is lighter.
Nonetheless green is green.

My job recquires no genius,
Nor does it recquire a rocket scientist.
It recquires the average joe.

My boss is demanding,
But I figure the man in the bigger britches
is tauntung him to do so.
Therefore I work more.

I work till I sweat and till I tire,
But the hard earned lighter green is worth it.

Friends of mine also work and they also earn green.
Their green is of the lighter tone of green also,
but they make more than I do.
Their work is in fact still manual labor,
but less tedious than that of my job.
To that I am jealous.
To be jealous is human though.

Complaining is naught...

I am fortunate.

Friday, June 12, 2009

what to DO

I failed a class.
It was Digital photography no less.
One would ask "how did you fail?"
Simply I would reply "My teacher has it out for me"
I give suspicion to this statement
because the fact of the matter is that I turned in 70% of my work
yet I still got an "F" .
Should not I have gotten a proper grade like a C perhaps?
But no my teacher montrously dictates an F for me.
He has it out for me.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Theology Exegetical Research Paper

I hate writing research papers just as much as the next kid. Especially when you have one for theology class and world lit due in the same month. And it sucks cause I procrastinate...a LOT. Like right now I could be doing by exegetical paper but I choose to blog about it. It's due this coming Tuesday and I've barely started. I got to start soon...



Floatin' round my brain,
tryin' to think about the other thing.
Than that thought you know I'm considering.
What if what I thought,
about who I think I thought I was,
was nothing more than my cerebellum slobbering?
Azwethinkweizm is hard to think about,
but simple to trust.
You'll know your on it
when your brain won't stop to take a break, no!
So when donut boy comes askin' around,
tryin' to figure out somethin' new,
you just smile and say,
"Pardon you! I'm sifting through some particles and farcing through some folds.
I've stumbled upon a brain fart
which melts away your molds!"
So I think upon that ponder
while I'm pondering the thought,
just thinkin' about the thinkweiz
is leaving me distraught!
Well I think I thought
I saw an Azwethinkweiz,
Lookin' like we think we do.
Like we think we do.
Some think I'm insane,
'cause I think about the other thing,
than that one thought you call reality.
What if what you thought,
about who you think you thought you were,
was nothing more than illusion rapidly crumbling!
Azwethinkweism should be a topic we all can trust.
It's just too bad it makes your
head go zippitykrack @#$% dang!
So when donut boy comes sniffing around
trying to figure out something new,
you just laugh and say, "Pardon you,
I'm through some particles and
farcing through some folds.
I've stumbled upon a brain fart
which melts away your molds."
So I think upon that ponder
while I'm pondering the thought,
just thinking about the thinkweiz
is leaving me distraught.
Well I think I thought I saw an Azwethinkweiz,
lookin' like we think we do.
Like we think we do.
So what if you thought about the thinkweiz
was nothing like you think you are?
You'd probably more than likely be a
lookyloo lookin' like you think you do.
Like you think you do.

The poem describes how i think sometimes about life

a certain shade of green

"A Certain Shade Of Green"
-written by Incubus

A certain shade of green,
tell me, is that what you need?
All signs around say move ahead.
Could someone please explain to me your ever present
lack of speed?
Are your muscles bound by ropes?
Or do crutches cloud your day?
My sources say the road is clear,
and street signs point the way.
Are you gonna stand around till 2012 A.D.?
What are you waiting for,
A certain shade of green?
I think I grew a gray watching you procrastinate.
What are you waiting for,
A certain shade of green?
Would a written invitation
signed, "Choose now or lose it all,"
sedate your hesitation?
Or inflame and make you stall?
You've been raised in limitation,
but that glove never fit quite right.
The time has passed for hand-me-downs,
choose anew, please evolve,
take flight
What are you waiting for?
A written invitation?
A public declaration?
A private consolation?

The poem really speaks to me. I really need to take this advice and put it to action...but it's hard to start

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Woops...Heres the introduction

Hi my name is Jtown. I just started to blog again because I haven't since 8th grade and I just felt like doing so. Anyways this blog is going to be just about whatever comes to mind that I want to write about. So there it is. Hope you enjoy my upcoming posts